
New Merchandise Announcement 

We have launched our new Para Equestrian Ireland Merchandise. We are very proud of the finished product and can’t wait to see you all supporting us. Fundraisings is a constant struggle for PEI and we are asking for Donations  of :

Caps £10/ 12 Euro

Bobble hats £10/12 Euro

Polo Shirts £18/20 Euro

Jackets £30/ 35 Euro

Plus postage …. Postage covers delivery to UK Ireland or Europe via Courier.

Please contact our secretary Ivor Harper on [email protected]  who will send you out a order form.


Hat Rules for 2023

Athletes please be aware that new hat standards for 2023 are outlined below.
Note that PAS015 (1998) and SNELL2001 are no longer acceptable. Protective headgear must be worn at all times whilst mounted .
Protective headgear must meet one of the following standards:
All PAS 015 (2011) *
VG1 01.040 2014-12 *
* with BSI Kitemark or Inspec IC Mark
Protective headgear carrying a CE Mark including products referencing the VG1 performance specification but excluding products referring exclusively to the EN1384:2012 unless it is shown in conjunction with another accepted standard from the present list
american ASTM F1163: 2004a and subsequent updates
American Snell 2016 (Snell combines a standard with subsequent quality testing, therefore no additional quality testing mark is required)
Australian & New Zealand
All AS/NZS 3838 (2006 and any subsequent updates)
The CE mark on its own IS NOT ACCEPTABLE
There will be an opportunity for Para Equestrian Ireland Riders to get their hats tagged at the Dressage Ireland National Winter Finals at Castle Irwin’s Necarne Estate …. and at subsequent DI shows immediately after the finals.  For FB based riders please refer to BD rules and regulations.


Following on from the “Para Dressage Kick Off Meeting 2023” please see below useful information for competing Nationally and FEI Internationally abroad.

Dr Mason Brief Guide to Anti Doping and food Supplements


HSI Vet Seamus McSorley presentation

Para Equestrian presentation_SeamusMcSorley_Jan23


Debora Pijpers HP presentation and National/International Qualification Criteria 2022/2023


Presentation High Performance Programme Para Dressage_DeboraPijpers_Jan2023

NEW FLASH FROM HP Director Debora Pijpers

Dear riders,

First of all: a very happy new year and best wishes for 2023!

I would like to inform and invite you for two upcoming events:
– The Kick Off Day, Jan 30th at 7pm. This will be an online meeting to inform you about the HP programme for 2023. All riding PEI members are invited to join this meeting. If you wish to attend, please inform Susann Tschoerner about this by sending an email to [email protected] at Jan 27th latest.
– A live training camp at Greenogue, held on February 11th and 12th. There will normal training with the HP Director and test training with an experienced judge. More info about this will still follow. All riding PEI members are invited to join this camp, in case of too many subscriptions, HP squad members will have priority.

Best regards,

Debora Pijpers

Para-Dressage High Performance Director

Horse Sport Ireland

1st Floor, Beech House

Millennium Park, Naas

Co. Kildare, W91 TK7N



PEI needs volunteers to join our council. Please let us know by emailing Joanne Logo via the PEI email address. Also remember that membership renewals are due as of January 1st. To renew download the membership form which can be found at the bottom of the home page of our site, pay by the PayPal donate button including you name. Then email proof of payment along with the membership form to PEI.



Note from FEI

Classification for Athletes with vision impairment

Dear National Federations, 

The FEI, in cooperation with the Organiser of the CPEDI 3* Waregem (BEL) and the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA), is pleased to inform you that Para Equestrian Athletes with vision impairments will have the opportunity to be internationally classified in Waregem on 19 April 2023.

No fee will be charged to athletes attending this particular Classification Evaluation.

National Federations are kindly requested to submit their VI Classification requests to the Para Dressage Department by Wednesday, 8 March 2023 at the latest with the following documents:

  • The FEI Classification Request Form
  • The FEI Consent for Classification Form
  • The IBSA Medical Diagnostics Form completed by a registered ophthalmologist.


All of the above forms can be found on the FEI Para Equestrian Classification webpage and must be completed in full, legibly and in English or with a signed translation in copy. All Athletes, including Athletes with a Review status, must supply all of the above documents, which must be current, i.e. completed in the last 12 months.



AGM Notice

PEI is delighted to welcome you to our AGM on October 13th at Headfort School, Kells Co. Meath, A82H7P2. An online option will be available but we would love the opportunity to meet with you in person where possible. We have secured a venue that is accessible to accommodate all possible needs.
We understand that not all of you will be in a position to travel as it takes a village but we felt it was important to use this as an opportunity to highlight our riders various achievements throughout the last year. We also felt it was important to offer our grassroots riders an opportunity to meet with our more seasoned and experienced riders so as they might be able to offer their guidance and support.
This is a unique opportunity to meet with double bronze medalist Michael Murphy along with other riders from our successful WEG team and previous medal winner Helen Kearney.
Ireland made history this year when Michael took to the podium on two separate occasions. An achievement that we are all proud of.
Any rider at this level requires huge support and at PEI we are tirelessly working towards profiling our riders to enable them to get the support that they so richly deserve.
Please join us for an evening of celebration at our AGM where you can mingle with these very talented individuals. They are very much looking forward to meeting with you.
Please RSVP to [email protected] to indicate your attendance by Friday 7th October.

6.00pm Dinner for all attendees

7.00- AGM followed by time to meet with the WEG riders.


* 05-10-2022*

Please find the updated national to international qualification criteria attached, which starts with immediate effect

Please have a careful read mostly in regards to 1* and 2* FEI competitions.

National to International Qualification Criteria Para Dressage Oct 2022